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NAKIVO Community Forum

Official Moderator

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Everything posted by Official Moderator

  1. @Mr.Ed This is a possible workflow, but being guided by the fact that the main thing in a backup is reliability, we cannot recommend simultaneous operations with the same objects. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  2. Hello @mango, thank you for this information. It could be very important for users of Hyper-V older than 2012R2. And based on this, we could say that any comparison should be done based on specific use case. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
  3. @Mr.Ed Thank you for your question. Let me explain your issue. NAKIVO software cannot use the backup object as a source or target only for one active Job. This limitation is a warranty that the object will not be changed when used by a different Job. This workflow provides only consistent backup data transfer. This limitation is global for any NAKIVO version. If you need further assistance, please contact NAKIVO support. Do not forget to collect new support bundle logs and attach screenshots.
  4. Hello, @NetworkWise The current NAKIVO version is able to create only the build-in reports. Also, we have the integration with Aptare IT Analytics that provide the ability to build custom reports: https://helpcenter.nakivo.com/display/NH/Aptare+IT+Analytics+Integration Our product development team works to improve this feature. We will forward your request to them. Thank you for the suggestions.
  5. Hello @NetworkWise, thank you for getting back to us! The Repository data "Encryption" feature is available only if the Backup Repository is created locally on the machine on which the Assigned Transporter is installed, and the machine is running a Linux OS. Select Enabled from the drop-down list and specify an encryption password. (The password will be required for importing the Backup Repository into a new instance of the product). The product will encrypt the repository destination (using ecryptfs for folders and cryptsetup (crypt-md) in LUKS mode for devices/partitions) prior to creating the Backup Repository. Please, keep in mind that this option can be enabled only when you create the Repository. Thank you so much for your attention and participation. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards
  6. NAKIVO software released the version that is compatible with the latest VMware. Please make sure that no NAKIVO activities are running and update our product with this custom build: - For Windows-based OS: https://maglar.box.com/s/mz87we5pinsgwhyvc5rejy5ul6th502v - For Linux-based OS: https://maglar.box.com/s/uey1vqo5q91m77a6udru371ywvfprynq Please let us know the results. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
  7. NAKIVO Backup & Replication v10.3 Beta is available for testing! The newest features include Backup for Microsoft 365 Contacts and Calendars, VMware vCloud Director Backup, Direct Connect and Backup from Storage Snapshots. Join the Beta Program and receive a $20 Amazon eGift Card for sharing your feedback: https://www.nakivo.com/resources/releases/10.3-beta/
  8. @michel Thank you. Please, let us know when you solve the problem.
  9. @michel Please, uninstall MS VC++ 20125 x64 redist, reboot the machine, and install MS VC++ 20125 x64 redist from scratch. Then add the machine to NBR again. Let us know if that works or send us a new file C:\install.log to support@nakivo.com We are looking forward to hearing from you.
  10. @TonioRoffo Thank you for your questions and contributions to our forum. We sincerely appreciate your insights because it helps us to build a better product.
  11. Hello, thank you for your questions. Please perform the following steps to resolve the issue and add the machine to the NBR Inventory correctly: 1. Update the Windows to the latest MS Updates. 2. Repair MS VC++ 20125 x64 redist as described here (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/6b33af51-efd3-400f-83da-4bb63d791187/vcredistx64msu-installation-error-0x80240017kb2999226msu-windows81?forum=vssetup ) 3. Reboot the machine. 4. Add it to NBR again. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact our Support team or just write here and I will help you.
  12. Hello, thank you for your questions and contributions to our forum. Could you please generate and send us a fresh support bundle in the ticket that was already created? Also, please send us the c:\install.log and let us know the ticket number.
  13. Hello, thank you for your questions and contributions to our forum. 2FA is under development now and is planned for release in the 10.4 version of NAKIVO.
  14. @TonioRoffo Hello, Thank you for getting back to us! If I set up a backup with incremental & weekly full backups, my S3 costs will surely below because I don't download anything. However, my weekend backups will be fulls and take considerable time. Correct? >>>>> yes, this is correct. If I set up a backup with incremental & synthetic fulls, does that work well with S3? Will my backups be faster, or will S3 use my local transporters to merge the backups and create high costs due to downloading from S3? >>>>> With S3, we highly recommend using Active full backups: - With Synthetic full, there will be read operations from S3 -> increasing of costs. - Simultaneous read/write operations with S3 during Synthetic full backups show significantly lower performance than during Active full backup. To create a Synthetic Full backup, NAKIVO needs to read repository data, create full backup locally on a transporter and write it to S3. In a local test (not to S3), I saw that backup copy jobs ignore the synthetic setting and revert to full backups - in normal backup jobs, it works. Is this true for S3 also? >>>>> Please clarify your test in detail, as I do not completely understand what was done/compared. Using a few separate repositories/jobs, they have completely independent rules for full/incremental backups. The best solution for you would be to create and send a support bundle (https://helpcenter.nakivo.com/display/NH/Support+Bundles) to support@nakivo.com for further investigation of the issue. Thank you for understanding.
  15. Hello, @TonioRoffo Thank you for your question. Note that NAKIVO Backup & Replication relies on VMware VM snapshots to perform backup and replication. Certain VM disk types, such as independent or RDM disks in physical compatibility mode, are not affected by snapshots. VMs that have unsupported disk types are disabled in the wizard and cannot be selected for backup or replication. For more details, please, refer to the Feature Limitations subsection of the latest Release Notes.
  16. Hello, @TonioRoffoThank you for your question. The physical host's backups made by NAKIVO software are file-oriented: you can use it for the individual file|folder|disks restore action. Also, it can be used for the P2V Migration. But, it is not possible to restore the physical host backup to the bare metal in the current NAKIVO version. If you have any other issues, don't hesitate to contact our Support team or just write here and I will help you.
  17. @michael Great! Thank you all for your contributions to our forum. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact our Support team or just write here and I will help you.
  18. To find out the reason for the issue we need to check logs. Please send us a support bundle http://www.nakivo.com/helpcenter/display/NH/Support+Bundles so we can further investigate the issue you’ve experienced. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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